Tuesday 19 June 2012

New Blades

I've finally recovered from all of the excitement of New Blades 2012 so I thought I'd update. For those who don't know New Blades is a graduate exhibition for modelmakers across the U.K and Ireland run by 4D Modelshop.

The day of New Blades itself was amazing fun and really inspirational. There is so much amazing work out there! It was also brilliant to network and connect with so many influential people in the modelmaking world and finally get my work out there! Here's a photo that the lovely folks at 4D tweeted of my model.
I also did an interview for 4D so watch out for that! (Although I'm pretty sure I blunder my way through it, cameras are not my friends!) 

Hit the jump for some more info about the whole trip and photos of the display we had.

My college, IADT, have never really had a major presence at New Blades but we aimed to change that this year. Unfourtunately I was unable to bring my final project because it was still on display in Dublin so instead I brought my inital 4th year project, the Bord Gais Prototypes. Myself and 2 classmates somehow packed 9 peoples work, and a display until into a Peugeot 3008 and made our way down to London. After 9 hours of travelling we got to London and got our display all set up. This is what it looked like in the end.

The journey home turned out to be a bit of an ordeal. A 5 hour drive somehow took 8 and a half which meant we missed our Ferry and we're stuck in Holly Head till 2am. Thankfully we were taken in and looked after by two lovely bartenders in The George until we were able to get our boat! 

Even with all that hassle and all the organisation that went into getting to New Blades it was 100% worth going to! The other graduates work alone is worth the trip over there! I was a really inspirational experience and I'm now so excited to finally get out into the working world, where ever that might be! 

Here's the 3 of us who went over to New Blades in front of our display. 

I have to give a special thanks to Claire and Paul from Bournemouth who we're so kind and helpful to the three of us during all of New Blades. They treated us like their own students and we really appreciate that!

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